Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Somethings to Think About: Shane Idleman Broadcast 12/27/11 and Link to His Website (New Book: Answers for a Confused Church

There are two parts; try to listen to both:

Read Chapter 14 for 1/1/12
Latest Assigment: Read Chapter 10
Assignment for next week, October 2, 2011:
-List 10 things (time related) that are most important to you
-Ask you wife for 5 things that would show her that you care about her
Assignment for Sept 25:
Read Chapter 9 (It goes along with Chapter 8)
Assignment for Sept 18:
Read Chapter 8
Assignment for Sept 11:
Continue in Chapter 7
Assignment for Sept 4:
Complete Reading Chapter 7
If you have not done so
Assignment for Aug 28:
Read Chapter 7
Assignment for Aug 21:
Read Chapter 6
Assignment for Aug 14:
Answer: "What would be the first clue that you are no longer in oneness with your spouce?"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

-Brother Dave working today

-Pastor taught class

-Good discussion as we read a lot of Chapter 11 as many of us were not prepared

-Pastor:  Men, be better prepared next time by reading your assignment

Brief notes:

-As men, our attitudes, actions, and reactions (Even if not known by others) affect our wives and children

-Every thing we do or think affects our families

-When you are tempted, think about the effect of you actions on others

-You have to determine in your heart:  I will do what is right....

-No class next week because of Thankgining traveling

-Read Chapter 12 for next time

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Assignment Information

For next week, 11/20/11, read Chapter 11 in Every Man's Marriage.

Also, begin reading a Chapter a week in Bond of Brothers / Chapter 5 might be good to read first as it might show the correlation between the 2 books.

See Brother Blagg's Blog for more information.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mens’ notes and quotes for October 30, 2011 and November 6, 2011
-Can’t allow our mistakes to shut us down
-Every Man’s Marriage to be put on hold for a couple of weeks
-Instead, we will be covering content from Bond of Brothers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Late Posts

Please forgive me for the late posts.
Mens’ Chapter 10 notes and quotes for October 23, 2011
-Allow for your wife’s gifts to be expressed
-What do spouses do to help their spouses express their ministry gifts?
-What should spouses do to help their spouses express their ministry gifts?
-God makes the union between husband and wife like that candy cane in which the colors cannot be separated, only broken
-Marriage is like the hard candy not like the swislers
-Marriage is a unique creation by God
-Making room for your wife to do her ministry is making room for God to do His ministry
-How do we make room?, by diminishing ourselves

Sermon Notes 10/23/11 Brother Tony
-God wants only one thing from us:  total commitment to His plans and purposes in our lives
-We need to honor (Spend time with one another) one another and be committed and loyal to one another
-Time can never be bought back
-Philippians 2: 12 is especially good

Mens’ Chapter 10 notes and quotes for October 16, 2011
-Chapter 8 - We have no rights as husbands
                  - Not I but we
-Chapter 9 – We have no time as our own as our husbands
-Chapter 10 – Making room for your wife’s gifts; trust
-Man and wife are like the candy cane:  Spiritually bonded together
-We had unique identities of our own, but God made us one
-If you are looking to someone besides God to fulfill your needs, then you are outside of plan for your life
-Submission to each other is not spiritually blind
-Submission will make room for each other
-Is there a rusty door in your life that you have not opened up to others, the Lord, or even yourself?
-If you make room for each other, both will expand into each other’s lives
-True submission in your relationship does not hold back a rusty door (You are not going to hurt me in this area)
-How much room do you allow your wife to grow?
-Let me help you be everything you need to be in the Lord
-Man is the head; Woman is the heart of the relationship
-Man has the authority but the Woman has the influence
-The head is full of knowledge, but the heart is full of wisdom
-In the book of Proverbs, wisdom is referred to as a female characteristic

Mens’ notes and quotes for October 09, 2011
-Materials on game sites has suggestive material that can lead to porn sites
-Free apps can lead to all types of computer problems
-We need to be fathers who know what is going on
-Do not assume that your wife and children are ok without you
-The time they need is your interest in their lives
-Time is the one thing
-One of the most important things to a woman is the time with her husband
-Women feel alone
-What we gave our wives before we were married is our attention
-Are we really engaged with our wives and children?
-Issue of time is priorities
-No condemnation, but do a time evaluation with your wives
- Read Chapter 10 for next week

Mens’ Chapter 8 and 9 notes and quotes for October 2, 2011
-1 Corinthians 7:1-6 – read in several versions
-Benevolence (KJV) – Give something of value from one person to another
-I should not withhold anything good from my wife
-You do not have a right; it is God’s rights

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mens’ Chapter 8 and 9 notes and quotes for September 25, 2011

-After Chapter 6, everything is how to live it out
-Men are visually driven, women are emotionally driven
-Ephesians 5:16, Read in context and in several translations
-You are not your own, we are bought with a price; Who buys us?
-God assigns each man his wife; they are God’s gift to us
-We are to be servant-leaders;  How can you lead and be a leader at the same time?
-Chapter 8 key word:  rights
-Chapter 9 key word:  time
-We do not have rights but privileges
-Wives do not have rights either
-If we trample on each others essences, we step out of our privileges
-To redeem the time is to live our lives righteously
Assignment for next week, October 2, 2011:
  -List 10 things (time related) that are most important to you
  -Ask you wife for 5 things that would show her that you care about her
Sermon Notes: (Brother Tony)
-Psalm 51:1-12   Vs. 10 Create in me a clean heart oh God
-If our hearts are in the right place, a lot of things we face daily would not be a problem
-God pays attention to what we are saying
-We need to protect our hearts as life’s consequences come through our hearts
-God tests our hearts and wants our hearts to be pure
-vs. 7 – God wants us to find Him with all our hearts
-What kind of fig do you want to be?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sermon Notes and Scriptures 9/21/11

Ephesians 4: 1-31 Very Powerful!

-Everyone needs to do their job in the Body and not worry about what other people are doing or not doing

-We belong to each other

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mens’ Chapter 8 notes and quotes for September 18, 2011

Chapter 8 and 9 go together
Brother David had everyone figure their daily schedule from the time they wake up until the time they got home,
He then asked the question “Do we men have the right to down time when we get home, and the wife needs help?”
-Time tests your faith
-“Time is money”
-Time is the currency we use with one another
-Our wives are our responsibilities from the Lord
-Our wife and kids are the Lord’s
-He is trusting use with them
-Pastor Eric:  Get book Slave by John MacArther
-For next week, 9/25/11, read Chapter 9
Sermon Notes:
-Not do I want to serve, but It Is What I Do as a Christian
-Jesus, our Master, is allowing us to be His slave
-Vs.8: -Our old man wants to think about the junk, but our new man thinks on these things….

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mens’ Chapter 7 notes and quotes for September 11, 2011:

Go to Brother David’s blog, One Eighty, for a complete summary of the lesson.
-What we speak affects our attitude
-What you do will affect your attitude
For next week, September 18, 2011:  Read Chapter 8

Sunday, September 4, 2011

More Mens’ Chapter 7 notes and quotes for September 04, 2011

-Slavery is not something we do, it is something we are

-Early Christian who was captured, tortured, and eventually put to death would only say:  "I am a Christian."

-True Christian:  To be Christ's slave in a lifestyle of servant hood

- A slave has on options but to be submitted

-Before a Christian can be fitted into his part of Christ's body, he/she needs to commit and then be submitted;
  Committed, Submitted, and then Fitted

-Being a slave = esteem others in your life more than yourself

-"Let this mind (attitude and commitment) be in you that was in Christ Jesus"

-Everyone is committed to type of world view, philosophy, or cause in his/her search for significance

-not complete...to be continued

-Joseph quickly submitted to his circumstances; then as he humbled himself, the Lord lifted him up
-Since we are already slaves to one another in the church, it should be just a normal transfer to being a slave to our wives
-If you make things easy for your wife (make her successful), you will get the same benefit from your wife;  Just like if you make things easy for you boss at work,  you will get a return benefit from your boss
-Our society is not “we the people” anymore, but “I the person”, “We have our rights…”
-But rights without responsibility  = (equals)  rebellion
-Our position in Christ is to be in submission to Him;  Just as husbands and wives are to be in submission to one another
-But we as husbands cannot be the “Submission Police”
-True submission to others has to a be a result of a heart in true submission to Christ
-Lord (Master) Jesus (Savior) Christ (Power of the Holy Spirit)
-Allegiance  = (equals)  submission
-Only way to get rights is if they are granted to you by God
-“Pick up your Execution (death) Stake (and die daily) as you follow me (Jesus)”
-For next week:  stay in Chapter 7

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mens’ Chapter 7 notes and quotes for August 28, 2011

-God is changing men’s hearts to be the heart of a bondservant
-Recommended book:  Slave by John MacArthur
-Whole counsel of God – Romans 10:17 – The whole Word from Genesis to Revelation
-God:  My Servant David – Psalm 40
-Moses:  Let my people go into the desert to worship me – Exodus 20 – 10 Commandments
-Go listen…with your ears - Deuteronomy 5:27-33
-If a slave chooses to serve His Master, he becomes a bondservant out of love for His Master – Exodus 21:1-6
-Jesus gives us our wives – Proverbs 19:14
-How you operate in your family who God has given you is an extension of how you operate in God’s spiritual family, the Church, who He has also given you
-We were bought with a price, and I am no longer my own – 1 Corinthians 7:23
-Definition of Adoni:  I love my master
-Reverse the curse – Say to your wife: -I love you my master-; Esteem her higher than yourself
-True freedom is totally dying to yourself
-Bondservant is a God (Hebrew) concept, not a man concept
-Searchgodsword.org to look up bondservant
-Jesus made of Himself of no reputation and took upon Himself the form of a servant – Philippians 2:7
-Need to be devoted to my wife to the disregard of my own interests
-Need to be a servant because it is the right thing to do not because you are expecting something out of it
-Conclusion:  Jesus is the Door of Life who we should bore our ear to as His bondservant; Where else can you go?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 21 Chapter 6 Notes:

August 21,2011
Mens Chapter 6 notes:
If you not here, be sure to contact Brother David for his views on gender stereotyping and his soap box.
Christ is the groom, and the church is the bride.
Christ loved and loves His bride more than He loved and loves Himself.

What does Christ bring to the marriage?
 1. His Name
 2. His Presence (Oneness)
 3. His Protection (Security)
 4. His Shelter (A place to live), Proverbs 31 connection
 5. His Love (Eternal Life)
What is required of us in our marriage to Christ?
 1. We must trust in Him as the Son of God.
 2. We must identify with Him in name and deed.
 3. We must love Him with all our heart.
 4. Submit to His headship in our lives.

What does the husband  bring to the marriage?
 1. His Name
 2. His Presence (Oneness)
 3. His Protection (Security)
 4. His Shelter (A place to live), Proverbs 31 connection
 5. His Love (Eternal Life)
What is required of the Christian bride?
 1. Complete trust in the man as a man of God.
 2. A wiliness to die (Legally to her name).
 3. Love the man (Image of Christ).
 4. Submit to the man’s spiritual headship.

Be sure to read the page Brother David read to us!

August 14, 2011:

Next weeks' (8/21/11) assignment:  Read Chapter 6

This is the site / page that Brother David was reading from on Sunday (8/14/11):
