Monday, September 19, 2011

Mens’ Chapter 8 notes and quotes for September 18, 2011

Chapter 8 and 9 go together
Brother David had everyone figure their daily schedule from the time they wake up until the time they got home,
He then asked the question “Do we men have the right to down time when we get home, and the wife needs help?”
-Time tests your faith
-“Time is money”
-Time is the currency we use with one another
-Our wives are our responsibilities from the Lord
-Our wife and kids are the Lord’s
-He is trusting use with them
-Pastor Eric:  Get book Slave by John MacArther
-For next week, 9/25/11, read Chapter 9
Sermon Notes:
-Not do I want to serve, but It Is What I Do as a Christian
-Jesus, our Master, is allowing us to be His slave
-Vs.8: -Our old man wants to think about the junk, but our new man thinks on these things….