Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 21 Chapter 6 Notes:

August 21,2011
Mens Chapter 6 notes:
If you not here, be sure to contact Brother David for his views on gender stereotyping and his soap box.
Christ is the groom, and the church is the bride.
Christ loved and loves His bride more than He loved and loves Himself.

What does Christ bring to the marriage?
 1. His Name
 2. His Presence (Oneness)
 3. His Protection (Security)
 4. His Shelter (A place to live), Proverbs 31 connection
 5. His Love (Eternal Life)
What is required of us in our marriage to Christ?
 1. We must trust in Him as the Son of God.
 2. We must identify with Him in name and deed.
 3. We must love Him with all our heart.
 4. Submit to His headship in our lives.

What does the husband  bring to the marriage?
 1. His Name
 2. His Presence (Oneness)
 3. His Protection (Security)
 4. His Shelter (A place to live), Proverbs 31 connection
 5. His Love (Eternal Life)
What is required of the Christian bride?
 1. Complete trust in the man as a man of God.
 2. A wiliness to die (Legally to her name).
 3. Love the man (Image of Christ).
 4. Submit to the man’s spiritual headship.