-God is changing men’s hearts to be the heart of a bondservant
-Recommended book: Slave by John MacArthur
-Whole counsel of God – Romans 10:17 – The whole Word from Genesis to Revelation
-God: My Servant David – Psalm 40
-Moses: Let my people go into the desert to worship me – Exodus 20 – 10 Commandments
-Go listen…with your ears - Deuteronomy 5:27-33
-If a slave chooses to serve His Master, he becomes a bondservant out of love for His Master – Exodus 21:1-6
-Jesus gives us our wives – Proverbs 19:14
-How you operate in your family who God has given you is an extension of how you operate in God’s spiritual family, the Church, who He has also given you
-We were bought with a price, and I am no longer my own – 1 Corinthians 7:23
-Definition of Adoni: I love my master
-Reverse the curse – Say to your wife: -I love you my master-; Esteem her higher than yourself
-True freedom is totally dying to yourself
-Bondservant is a God (Hebrew) concept, not a man concept
-Searchgodsword.org to look up bondservant
-Jesus made of Himself of no reputation and took upon Himself the form of a servant – Philippians 2:7
-Need to be devoted to my wife to the disregard of my own interests
-Need to be a servant because it is the right thing to do not because you are expecting something out of it
-Conclusion: Jesus is the Door of Life who we should bore our ear to as His bondservant; Where else can you go?