-Early Christian who was captured, tortured, and eventually put to death would only say: "I am a Christian."
-True Christian: To be Christ's slave in a lifestyle of servant hood
- A slave has on options but to be submitted
-Before a Christian can be fitted into his part of Christ's body, he/she needs to commit and then be submitted;
Committed, Submitted, and then Fitted
-Being a slave = esteem others in your life more than yourself
-"Let this mind (attitude and commitment) be in you that was in Christ Jesus"
-Everyone is committed to type of world view, philosophy, or cause in his/her search for significance
-not complete...to be continued
-Joseph quickly submitted to his circumstances; then as he humbled himself, the Lord lifted him up
-Since we are already slaves to one another in the church, it should be just a normal transfer to being a slave to our wives
-If you make things easy for your wife (make her successful), you will get the same benefit from your wife; Just like if you make things easy for you boss at work, you will get a return benefit from your boss
-Our society is not “we the people” anymore, but “I the person”, “We have our rights…”
-But rights without responsibility = (equals) rebellion
-Our position in Christ is to be in submission to Him; Just as husbands and wives are to be in submission to one another
-But we as husbands cannot be the “Submission Police”
-True submission to others has to a be a result of a heart in true submission to Christ
-Lord (Master) Jesus (Savior) Christ (Power of the Holy Spirit)
-Allegiance = (equals) submission
-Only way to get rights is if they are granted to you by God
-“Pick up your Execution (death) Stake (and die daily) as you follow me (Jesus)”
-For next week: stay in Chapter 7