Thursday, July 30, 2020

The 2020 presidential election is less than four months away, and we’ve never seen an election year quite like this. “It’s a different world, and it will be for a little while,” President Donald Trump admitted recently as he announced the cancelation of the upcoming GOP convention events in Jacksonville, Florida. As campaign events move online and government leaders debate the best ways to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, many wonder how the election itself may be affected.

While it’s easy to worry about the unknowns that have been thrown our way this year, the truth is that we never really know what the future holds — but God does. I believe He will work in our nation in this uncertain time, and that He has a plan for us.

Will you join me in prayer that His plan will be brought about in the upcoming election? Will you pray with me that those of us who follow Him will have clarity about our role in bringing about His plan for America? And that He would replace our worry with peace and confidence in His control?

There’s a lot we can do for our nation, but the most important thing we can do is pray. I’m thankful to have prayer partners like you.

God bless America,

Kerby Anderson, Host
Point of View