-After Chapter 6, everything is how to live it out
-Men are visually driven, women are emotionally driven
-Ephesians 5:16, Read in context and in several translations
-You are not your own, we are bought with a price; Who buys us?
-God assigns each man his wife; they are God’s gift to us
-We are to be servant-leaders; How can you lead and be a leader at the same time?
-Chapter 8 key word: rights
-Chapter 9 key word: time
-We do not have rights but privileges
-Wives do not have rights either
-If we trample on each others essences, we step out of our privileges
-To redeem the time is to live our lives righteously
Assignment for next week, October 2, 2011:
-List 10 things (time related) that are most important to you
-Ask you wife for 5 things that would show her that you care about her
Sermon Notes: (Brother Tony)
-Psalm 51:1-12 Vs. 10 Create in me a clean heart oh God
-If our hearts are in the right place, a lot of things we face daily would not be a problem
-God pays attention to what we are saying
-We need to protect our hearts as life’s consequences come through our hearts
-God tests our hearts and wants our hearts to be pure
-vs. 7 – God wants us to find Him with all our hearts
-What kind of fig do you want to be?