Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First, be sure to check in at 180 Blog by Brother David:          http://turnonehundredeighty.blogspot.com/

Notes and Quotes for 6.17.2012:
-When we think we have arrived spiritually, the Lord shows us ways to higher heights of Spiritual growth, and deeper depths of commitment to Him.  This will be an ongoing and continual process for all of us until we make it to Heaven, but we have to really want that change in our lives.

-God's goal is for us is to grow up in Him to be a total, whole, complete, and mature individual (person) and to become more like Jesus in body, soul (mind, will, and emotions) and  Spirit (Our positive and loving attitude is a function of our growth in the Spiritual part of our person.).

-You cannot be a watcher and fulfill your destiny in the Kingdom

-The Kingdom cannot grow unless you are a participant in the Kingdom process
not a spectator

-You are a steward of God’s goodness and a dispenser of God’s love in this world

-If we are waiting for tomorrow, we miss what God has for us today

-We cannot be a watcher but a participant

-The way you think about your health is the way your body (With each heartbeat) will take it