Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Recently seen on church sign:  It is better to have God’s peace than our way
Try this book:  The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
Assignment for 8.05.2012:    Complete Reading Chapter 6
And think about one absolutely funny thing that has happened to you in your marriage and one tragedy
Be sure to check in and read Pastor David’s blog:   http://turnonehundredeighty.blogspot.com/

Notes and Quotes for 7.29.2012:
The stories of our lives let us know the path of our faith is true

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recently seen church sign: 

"Marriage takes a lot of heart work."

Assignment for 7.29.2012:    Read Chapter 6
Be sure to check in and read Pastor David’s blog:
Notes and Quotes for 7.22.2012:
We are ambassadors for Jesus
A good ambassador for Christ:
- Is under authority in the church, their family, their job, and to the governments
-Daily seeks the righteousness, wisdom, and love that God wants us to walk in
- Has the big view and is balanced:  knows the Word of God from Genesis to
-Has good tools:  knows certain scriptures by heart and has a heart for the scriptures
-Uses Holy Spirit inspired strategies to share the “Good News”
-Has a personal vision and a plan for evangelism                                                           

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Read Chapter 5 for next week:  7/8/2012

First, be sure to check in at 180 Blog by Brother David: http://turnonehundredeighty.blogspot.com/

Mens notes and quotes for 07.01.2012:

We in the church are bundled up together, and the enemy cannot break us when we are in unity, See: Aesop's Bundle of Sticks

Eternal life is knowing the Lord

The only one who can use our past against us ourselves is us

We cannot change the past

The closer you get to the Lord, the more sensitive you will be to your sin

Lord, you brought this to my attention, now give me the grace to get the victory