Sunday, May 27, 2012

First, be sure to check in at 180 Blog by Brother David:

Read whole Chapter 3 for next Sunday, 6/3/2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

First, be sure to check in at 180 Blog by Brother David:

Notes and Quotes for 05/20/2012

What we live in front of our sons is passed on to them
It becomes tacit approval
Evaluate your life (Examine yourself); is anything that I am doing in my life and my children are seeing hurting them
Example:  Do I cheat on my taxes
When we react to harms done to us in fear, it will turn in to hate
Fear is death; in every way possible fear is at the base of everything evil in our lives
We cannot live in the fullness of the Spirit if we cling to fear
If I hear a “What if?” in my spirit, it is usually the devil
Forgiveness is the only way we are going to move forward as a body of believers
How to forgive yourself; believe that God can make you something beautiful
When you forgive yourself, you will be free
If God forgives you and you do not forgive yourself, you are saying you are better and know better than God and you make yourself a god
In the kingdom if you give your life away, you will receive more than you gave
If I choose to give something to you, then I receive fulfillment
If I can learn to live in complete self-abandonment, I will be more fulfilled
If I do not consider my feelings, but put your feelings first, I put myself in a place of peace and rest
I need to be a blessing regardless of if there is a return to me or not; that will free me up
We cannot give away our lives without God giving them back to us
You cannot buy peace and fulfillment at a store
Do you want a pat on the back, or do you want peace in your heart
If you do not give, you do not receive
My life is to be spent for you and others
We all have something to give:  smile, a good word, kind greeting, scripture verse…..
This is not just for pastors, but for everyone in the Kingdom
I you are not giving your life away, you are loosing it
Every thing you hear from the Lord will line-up with the Word
John 4: 34-38 NLT, MSG The Kingdom is harvest time
I Peter 2: 1=12 NLT Living Stones and Ambassadors for Christ
Luke 4: 18-19 NLT MSG
From Wednesday:
God hides things for us, not from us

The normal Christian life:  When the supernatural becomes logical; when the impossible will look logical

Sunday, May 13, 2012

First, be sure to check in at 180 Blog by Brother David:

Quotes and Notes:
-We auction off or dreams to slimy bitterness
-Most of our mistakes in relationships are due to fear
Assignment or next week:
Finish reading through Chapter 2
Look at and research the lives of Abraham, Eli, and David, then answer these questions:
-What brought them to greatness in the Lord?
-What was their greatest strength they did not pass on to their sons?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Notes and Quotes for 5/6/12:

Please go to Pastor's Dave 180 blog for the lesson(A must read for anyone who missed it):
click 180 Blog

If you are using your Christianity to gain something, you have  a religion not a relationship.

We are born again for the Lord's enjoyment.

His presence always returns to those who seek him.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:12-14 

God does does not tell you that you are not enough.

I cannot bless anyone if I am not walking in victory.

It is not wise to crucify the resurrected man.

We are born again so we can have contact and fellowship with the Lord.

Joy = Jesus then Others then Self