Read Chapter 15 for Next Week- 1/22/2012
1/15/2012:Notes and information:
-Knowing your wife is everything
-In studying your wife, you are going to have to lay yourself aside
Notes to young men who are not married yet:
-Marriage is a ministry decision
-When you first meet a girl, you need to find out what she wants first
-When you are interested in a potential young lady, these items need to be found out:
--Do you both share the have/share the same? ---
---Same/like spirits – “be equally yoked” – 2 Corinthians 6:14
---Spiritual goals
---Same hearts for ministry
---Same spiritual vision and peace about what the Lord has for your future
---Same spiritual commitment to the Lord
--She (and you) has to be willing to do whatever the Lord wants you to do
-Before you every get emotionally involved, you need to interview her to find out the answers to the above questions (Interviewing takes the passion out of the equation)
-Also, you need to pray and ask the Lord to give you a list of all the things you want in a wife
-Then ask the Lord to help you develop a list of questions to ask her to see what her vision in the Lord is (Sample Question: What is your vision as to how the Holy Spirit is guiding you in His plan for your life?)
--When asking the questions be sure not to say what you feel, want, or expect; just ask her for her vision, feelings, and thoughts on the questions
(--If she is interested in you, she would probably say what you wanted to hear just to keep your interest just as you would probably say what you wanted her to hear just to keep her interest in you)
-If she does not answer the questions correctly as compared to your answers and goals, then you need to move on for both your sakes before you become emotionally involved
-If things seem to be positive after the question interview, be sure soon that she comes to church with you several times so she can really see your spiritual background and heritage
(--If she is not comfortable with your church, that might be another sign to back off the relationship)